

1. Elana Auerbach, an original resident, who left the group with Bill Press, who is now her husband, said the upshot of Ms.

Elana Auerbach是这儿最早的居民,后来她和她现在的丈夫BillPress一起离开了。

2. Taylor Made's RAC wedges reduce the distance inconsistencies common in leading wedges, so you'll find your target more frequently instead of falling short or flying long.The upshot?Fewer shots.Period.


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4. Whatever the reason, the upshot seems to be that thinking is, indeed, hard work. And important decisions should not be made on an empty stomach.


5. Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don’t quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you’re ecstatic with your well-earned B+.

不管怎样,压力和焦虑都过去了,这是你下苦功的回报。尽管你没有象你的铁哥们那样得到A++ ,只得了个来之不易的B+,这也足够让你欣喜若狂了。

6. Anyway, the upshot of all the stress and anxiety is that the hard work has paid off and even though you don't quite get the A++ that your jammy friend got, you're ecstatic with your well-earned B+.


7. The upshot of these two passages, however, is that unless the infallible revelation has been given somewhere in space and time, and thus is accessible in principle to human knowledge (e.g.


8. The upshot of it all was that he left college and got a job.


9. The news covered the occurrence of event, negotiating and upshot.


10. The upshot of his retreat was that Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Janders considered their husbands contemptible cowards


11. But although prices will fall back somewhat, the upshot will be that, in many countries (not all), farmers will produce good crops at prices higher than they have been used to for 20 years.


12. But the upshot was thesame: fewer trout, and confirmation that oestrogens are very badnews for fish, even at low concentrations.


13. The upshot is that traditionally strained relations between Japan and China look set for a sharp improvement.


14. The upshot is a device that weighs around 5kg and can be strapped to a user's waist.


15. The upshot of this is that it is simply foolish to assert that science and rationality support atheism.


16. The upshot has been an explosion of documentation and study of environmental consequences before the fact of development actions.


17. The upshot is that Education 2.0 is bolder and more aggressive in its goals, and it involves even more intensive investment - $3 billion over the next five years.

其结果是教育2.0是大胆和更积极的目标,它涉及更为密集投资-3 0亿美元,在未来五年内。

18. The upshot is fewer new medicines available to ailing patients and more financial woes for the beleaguered pharmaceutical industry.


19. The upshot is that covered call funds outperform stock market indices when the market is flat or falling, but underperform when shares are shooting upwards.


20. The upshot of the disagreement be that they break up the partnership


21. The upshot of the disagreement was that they broke up the partnership.


22. The upshot of the disagreement is that they broke up the partnership.


23. Upshot on risetime


24. This could be the upshot of a new fingerprinting method developed by Demian Ifa and his colleagues at Purdue University in Indiana.


25. No. I'm sick of Iistening to this dirt farmer. What's the upshot?


26. Thus the upshot of this misallocation, Mr Currie would argue, is even more inflation ? even if the world does experience some form of growth slowdown.


27. If you had refused,the outcome would probably not have been very different.An upshot is a decisive result,often of the nature of a climax


28. when it comes to the upshot


29. If this is true, one wonders what the macro upshot will be.


30. The upshot of all this is that you need to be much more careful about automatic conversion inside arithmetic or comparison operations with money.


31. The upshot is that, so far, 14 of the 38 control animals have died of age-related illnesses such as type II (late onset) diabetes, cancer and heart disease.


32. But the upshot remains that the stimulus package is relatively back-loaded, with less than 25% of the overall 10-year impact occurring in the current fiscal year.


33. The direct upshot of pushing too hard is frustration.


34. The upshot when the team crunched the numbers was that the variant form of DARC may be responsible for 11% of the African epidemic.


35. The upshot is that few big firms believe they can succeed without ads.


36. be brought to the upshot


37. The upshot is you'll be able to get at your software and your files


38. The upshot is that, since monetary policy, including QE, is a ‘nominal’ operation, the operation itself should not have significant implications for the real value of the dollar.


39. The upshot was that I avoided real danger, and as a consequence of his uncontrolled emotional reaction he was placed in an institution that could better look after his needs.


40. in the upshot

最后, 终于

41. The upshot is that asking utilities to cover more of their costs is not as callous as the left-wing "water-warriors" claim.


42. The upshot may turn out to be the death of the 35-hour week, but it is a mightily complicated way to go about it.


43. The few that did were upset with him for his honest interpretation of the signs.The upshot was that they didn't want to pay him, saying that he wasn't accurate.


44. Comments on the Money-Laundering Activities in Europe fore and after the Upshot of Euro


45. The upshot is that the captain is injured again and the run of bad luck continues to affect our key players.


46. The upshot of Locke’s argument is that religious practices flourish only at the sufferance of the state.


47. The upshot is that the crystals can steer light towards four separate points corresponding to the places where the viewers' right or left eyes are.


48. upshot furnace


49. upshot fired furnace


50. But what was the upshot?


51. The practical upshot of this is hard to see at the moment.


52. The upshot is that as more Web content on the Web continues toaccumulate, making it available to future generations will become aserious challenge.


53. The upshot of which was, to smash this witness like a crockery vessel, and shiver his part of the case to useless lumber.


54. double upshot furnace


55. The upshot: The subjects experienced no meaningful difference in pain relief, physical function, mobility or need for medication while wearing any of the bracelets.


56. The final result or statement; upshot


57. The upshot: We detected subtle differences between Old Espresso made by a ringer barista and Hyper Espresso from a capsule.


58. The upshot of it all was that he resigned.


59. The upshot is boredom, tension, depression and worse.


60. The upshot is that you can write on Dr Grzybowski's paper (using a pen that emits ultraviolet light) or print on it (using a patterned mask through which such light is shone).


61. Caveats abound, but the upshot is this: more Chinese people are using Google to search for information on buying a home.

结果发现次数非常多,这表 明:有更多中国人通过谷歌来搜索买房信息。

62. The upshot (result) is that nuclear fusion can happen using rough-and-ready lasers and rough-and-ready fuel.


63. The upshot was that in mosquitoes fed on the mice carrying the mammalian parasite, the SM1 gene had no advantage.


64. The upshot was that it squandered ¥50 billion in operating expenses such as a pricey and underused IT system.


65. The upshot is more food in the waste-bin, as well as more in the stomach.


66. The upshot is that almost all of theworlds found so far are hot, mammoth orbs that rapidly revolve around starssmaller and darker than the sun.


67. The upshot is fewer female computer science graduates and fewer women in IT careers.


68. The upshot is that the child acquires his own life style or way of dealing with his situation


69. The upshot was that the police wouldn't have him at any price and Baker knew it.


70. The upshot: anti-Americanism will surge.


71. The upshot is that the ununbium/gold reaction resembled that with mercury and not that with radon.


72. The upshot is that fishermen exercise great weight as a lobby.


73. What was the upshot of it all ?


74. The upshot is that the technique on trial seems to reduce the risk of an uninfected individual contacting the virus by about 31%.


75. The upshot is that, even in space travel, old designs are sometimes better than new ones.


76. The upshot is that gut microbes not only release energy from food, they also encourage bodies to store that energy as fat and to keep the fat on.


77. The upshot is, you can choose your pain: either the short, sharp pain of raising money, or the chronic ache of consulting.


78. The upshot was that the more widespread a problem is, the less likely it was to be resolved.


79. The upshot was that the more widespread a problem is, the less likely it was to be resolved


80. The upshot: One day your descendants, if they survive a swelling Sun and other cosmic and human perils, will have at least 960 hours to work with each day.

