
waftwaftD.J.:[wɑ:ft]K.K.:[wɑft, wæft]vt. & vi.1.吹送, 飘送, (使)浮动n.1.空中飘来的气味, 一阵气味

waft[wɑ:ft; wɔft; wæft]vt.1.2.使漂浮;使飘荡:The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.花香迎风飘来。3.吹送,漂送:The waves wafted the boat to the shore.波浪把小船推向岸边。4.[废语]5.(以招手、点头等方式)召唤,以挥手指示(或指挥)6.转移(目光)7.快速传输:The escalator wafts us up and down every day.自动扶梯天天送我们上上下下。vi.1.飘荡,漂浮:The distant music wafted across the lake.远处的音乐声飘过湖面。2.(微风等)吹拂,掠过:The cooking smell wafted along the hall.菜肴的香味在饭厅里飘荡。n.1.吹送,飘送2.(气味、声音等的)一阵3.一阵风4.波浪,波动5.(宁静、喜悦等的)片刻感觉6.[苏格兰英语]=weft1

waftwaft[wɑ:ft, wɔft]vt.1.使飘浮, 使飘荡waft a kiss送飞吻the scent of the flowers wafted through the air空中传来的花香The waves wafted the boat to shore.波浪将船飘送到岸边。
词性变化waft[wɑ:ft, wɔft]vi.1.浮动, 漂荡n.1.浮动, 漂荡2.一吹; 一阵风3.(鸟翅膀的)一4.飘香5.【航海】信号旗; (遇险)信号a waft of joy一阵短暂的欢乐a waft of the hand挥手(告别)
