1. Interbase and watcom sql share many common feature, including stored procedures, trigger, and full transaction control.
InterBase 和 Watcom SQL 共有许多特征,包括存储过程,触发器,和全套事务处理控制。
2. Interbase and watcom sql share many common feature,including stored procedures,trigger,and full transaction control.
InterBase 和 Watcom SQL 共有许多特征,包括存储过程,触发器,和全套事务处理控制。
3. Interbase and Watcom SQL share many common features, including stored procedures, trigger, and full transaction control
4. The Method of Processing Table with WATCOM SQL in PowerBuilder
WATCOM SQL对PowerBuilder表的处理方法
5. Watcom have no unix version, and have a different api than all version of sybase.
Watcom 没有unix 版,并具有与Sybase 所有版本不同的API。
6. Watcom has no Unix version, and has a different API than all versions of Sybase
7. Watcom has no Unix version,and has a different API than all versions of Sybase.
8. The core algorithm of still image compression standard JPEG2000 are simulated with Watcom C, including the algorithm of EBCOT, the lifting wavelet transform and MQ arithmetic coder.