[with obj.]have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, protection, or for some other purpose 穿着;戴着;佩着 he was wearing a dark suit. 他穿着深色套装。 firemen wearing breathing apparatus. 戴着防毒面具的消防员。 ■habitually have on one's body or be dressed in 习惯上穿(或戴、佩)着 although she was a widow, she didn't wear black. 尽管她是寡妇,但她并不穿黑色衣服。 ■exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance) 面露,面带;呈现,表现 they wear a frozen smile on their faces. 他们面带冰冷的微笑。 ■[with obj. and complement or adverbial]have (one's hair or beard) at a specified length or arranged in a specified style 留,蓄(头发,胡须) the students wore their hair long. 那些学生留着长发。 ■(of a ship) fly (a flag) (船)升,挂(旗)
[with obj. and adverbial or complement]damage, erode, or destroy by friction or use 穿破,穿旧,销蚀;磨损 the track has been worn down in part to bare rock. 部分跑道已经磨损得露出了石块。 ■[no obj., with adverbial or complement]undergo such damage, erosion, or destruction 穿破,磨损,变旧;受侵蚀,用坏,用尽 mountains are wearing down with each passing second. 山脉每一秒钟都在受侵蚀。 ■[with obj.]form (a hole, path, etc.) by constant friction or use 穿成,磨成,销蚀成(洞、路等) the water was forced up through holes it had worn. 水从它冲蚀成的洞中涌出。
[no obj., with adverbial]withstand continued use or life in a specified way 耐用,耐久,耐穿,耐磨 a carpet-type finish seems to wear well. 地毯式的罩面漆看来很经久耐用。 ■[with obj.][usu. with negative](Brit. informal)tolerate; accept (英,非正式)容忍,忍受;接受 the environmental health people wouldn't wear it. 主张环境卫生的人们不会接受这样的情况。 ■[no obj.](wear on)(of a period of time) pass, especially slowly or tediously (一段时间)(慢慢地或沉闷地)消逝,消失 as the afternoon wore on he began to look unhappy. 随着下午时间缓慢地过去,他开始显得不高兴了。 ■[with obj.](poetic/literary)pass (a period of time) in some activity (诗/文)消磨(时间) spinning long stories, wearing half the day. 讲述长篇故事,消磨半天时间。
noun [mass noun]
the wearing of something or the state of being worn as clothing 穿,戴,佩带 some new tops for wear in the evening. 一些晚上穿的新上装。 ■[with modifier]clothing suitable for a particular purpose or of a particular type (特殊场合穿或特定式样的)服装;时装;穿戴物;佩带物 evening wear. 晚装。
damage or deterioration sustained from continuous use 磨损,损坏 you need to make a deduction for wear and tear on all your belongings. 你需要扣除你所有的财产的损耗。 ■the capacity for withstanding continuous use without such damage 耐磨,耐用性,经久性 old things were relegated to the bedrooms because there was plenty of wear left in them. 旧东西被移入卧室,因为它们还很耐用。
常用词组 in wear
being regularly worn (经常)穿着
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
见 heart
wear oneself to a shadow
见 shadow
wear thin
be gradually used up or become less convincing or acceptable 穿薄,用薄;逐渐消失;失去说服力,变得不可接受 his patience was wearing thin. 他逐渐失去耐心了。 the joke had started to wear thin. 那个笑话已开始失去吸引力了。
Old English werian, of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin vestis 'clothing'
继承用法 wear someone/thing down
overcome someone or something by persistence (以不懈的努力)战胜(某人),克服(某事)
wear off
lose effectiveness or intensity 逐渐减弱,磨损,耗损
wear something out (或 wear out)
use or be used until no longer in good condition or working order 穿破,用坏;耗尽,用尽 wearing out the stair carpet. 磨坏楼梯地毯。 the type was used again and again until it wore out. 铅字反复使用,直到用坏为止。
(wear someone/thing out)exhaust or tire someone or something (使)疲劳;(使)厌倦 an hour of this wandering wore out Lampard's patience. 这样漫游一个钟头,兰帕德失去了耐性。
wear2 (past and past participle wore )
[with obj.](Sailing)bring (a ship) about by turning its head away from the wind (航海)使(船头)转向下风。 比较 tack (义项2),gybe Shannon gives the order to wear ship. 香农命令将船头转向下风。