
whittlewhittleD.J.:[ˈhwitl]K.K.:[ˈhwɪtl, ˈwɪtl]vt.1.切, 削(木头); 使逐渐变小He is whittling down the branch with a knife to make a handle for his hoe.他在用刀削树枝做一把锄头柄。

whittle['hwitl]vt.1.2.切、削(木头)3.削成:Don't whittle the stick into a short one.别把木棍削成短的棍。4.削减;削小,削薄;逐渐减少(通常与 down, away 连用):to whittle down the cost of the project削减某项工程成本5.[罕用语]使苦恼,使烦恼vi.1.削木头;尤指:无目的地削枝条端等:to whittle away the wood削去木头2.自寻烦恼,使人烦恼得疲惫不堪:I'm whittled to death about his future.我为他的前途担心。n.1.[废语]大刀变形vt.whittledwhittling

whittlewhittle[ˈ(h)witl]vt., vi.1.切; 削; 减少; 损害whittle down expenses削减费用whittle away a fortune耗费资财
词性变化whittle[ˈ(h)witl]n.1.[古、英方]切肉用刀, 屠刀, 大型雕刀