

1. 6.You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne.

(P122) 你可能从来没有听说过Amy Winterbourne。

2. "You will find I am not so stiff as several others," said Winterbourne, smiling.


3. "You will find I am not so stiffas several others," said Winterbourne, smiling.


4. Denis Plunkett, of the British Flying Saucer Bureau, based in Winterbourne, near Bristol, was unable to comment on the video but said there were ways to verify its authenticity.


5. "Mademoiselle has made arrangements?" he added in a tone which struck Winterbourne as very impertinent.


6. "Mademoiselle has made arrangements?" he added in a tone which struck Winterbourne as very impertinent .


7. "I am not so fortunate," said Winterbourne, "as your companion."


8. "I am not so fortunate," said Winterbourne,"as your companion."


9. "I certainly shall not help you to find him," Winterbourne declared.


10. He stopped in the middle of the room and stood staring at Winterbourne.


11. denis plunkett, of the british flying saucer bureau, based in winterbourne, near bristol, was unable to comment on the video but said there were ways to verify its authenticity。


12. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne.


13. 1.You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne, but she is a most unusual woman.


14. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne, but she is a most unusual woman.


15. Winterbourne, to do him justice, as it were, mentioned to no one that he had encountered Miss Miller, at midnight, in the Colosseum with a gentleman


16. Daisy had entered upon a lively conversation with her hostess, and Winterbourne judged it becoming to address a few words to her mother


17. winterbourne judged it becoming to address a few words to her mother


18. Winterbourne learned more about her by catching hold of her small slippery brother, and making him stand a few minutes by his side.


19. 99. Winterbourne learned more about her by catching hold of her smalll slippery brother, and making him stand a few minutes by his side.


20. Winterbourne perceived Daisy strolling the great church in company with the inevitable Giovanelli.


21. Winterbourne was impatient to see her again.


22. Winterbourne coloured, for an instant he hesitated greatly.


23. Winterbourne listened with interest to these disclosures.


24. Winterbourne thought it a most unpleasant scene.


25. Winterbourne was almost grateful for having found the formula that applied to Miss Daisy Miller.


26. Winterbourne fancied there was a tremor in her voice; he was touched, shocked, mortified by it.


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网上预定在 Winterbourne 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

28. This fact was highly agreeable to Winterbourne in spite of his consciousness of his singular situation.


29. This fact was highly agreeable to Winterbourne, in spite of his consciousness of his singular situation


30. This fact was highly agreeable to Winterbourne.

