
wipewipeD.J.:[waip]K.K.:[waɪp]vt. & vi.1.擦, 拭, 抹; 擦去, 拭去, 抹去He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.他继续说着, 偶尔用毛巾擦一下脸。The teacher wiped the misspelling from the blackboard.老师把黑板上拼错的字擦了。n.1.擦, 拭, 揩, 抹Give your nose a good wipe.把鼻子好好地擦一擦。

wipe[waip]vt.1.2.擦;揩:to wipe the dishes擦碟子3.揩净;擦干:to wipe a bottle with a soft cloth用软布擦干瓶子4.用…擦:to wipe wet cloth over a car用湿布擦汽车5.涂上;抹上;擦上:to wipe oil over the surface往表面涂一层油6.擦去;抹掉;抹去:Be carefull; don't wipe the tape!小心!别把磁带上的内容抹掉!7.消失,使消失:I hope you'll wipe that thought from your mind.我希望你打消那念头。8.【力学】拭接(铅管的节头)9.[俚语]打;揍:Father wiped his son with a stick.爸爸用棍子打了儿子。10.[俚语]杀死11.刷卡(专指把信用卡、借方卡等在计算机终端上一刷或一擦)vi.1.擦;抹;揩:to wipe at the glasses擦擦玻璃杯2.打;揍:to wipe at someone with a stick用棍子打人3.【电影、电视】划变n.1.揩;擦2.[旧俚语]3.打;猛击4.嘲笑;嘲弄5.[俚语]毛巾;抹布;手帕6.【电影、电视】划变(有一条垂直线横向移过屏幕以转换景或画面)7.【机械学】凸轮be wiped out[美国俚语]喝醉筋疲力尽;很累很累give something a wipe把…揩一揩to wipe (up) the floor (或 ground) with someone[俚语]把某人打得大败[俚语]驳斥变形vt.wipedwiping

wipewipe[waip]vt.1.拭; 抹; 擦去2.除去; 消灭3.抹[涂]上(油等)4.【机】拭接(铅管的接头)wipe a floor clean把地板擦干净wipe one's eyes with a handkerchief用手帕擦眼睛wipe (away) one's tears擦掉眼泪wipe out a mark拭[除]去污点wipe out a whole army歼灭全军wipe up spilt milk擦掉溅出的牛奶W-a coating of grease over all exposed surface在全部露出的表面上涂一层油脂。
词性变化wipe[waip]vi.1.擦;拭;抹2.[俚]打(at)n.1.擦, 拭, 揩2.揩拭的人; 揩擦的东西3.[俚]手帕4.5.摩擦闭合[接触]6.辊式挤锌装置fetch a wipe at sb.打某人