
burstburstD.J.:[bə:st]K.K.:[bɚst]vt. & vi.1.爆炸, 爆裂The dam burst under the weight of water.那水坝在水的压力下决口了。If you get much fatter you'll burst your clothes.你要是再长胖就要把衣服撑破了。2.挤满, 充满The town is bursting with tourists.镇上到处都是游客。3.突然打开Open up or we'll burst the door.开门, 要不我们就把门撞开。We had to burst the door open.我们不得不破门而入。4.突然发作, 突然发生The storm burst and we all got wet.暴风雨突然袭来, 我们都淋湿了。n.1.爆炸, 爆裂; 爆发, 突发I heard several bomb bursts.我听到了几声炸弹的爆炸声。His appearance on the platform was greeted with a burst of applause.他一登上台就博得了一阵热烈的掌声。

burst[bə:st]vi.1.爆炸,炸裂,爆裂,胀裂,胀破,碎片飞散;溃决,冲破:The bitter cold caused the water pipes to burst.严寒使水管爆裂了。The balloon burst.气球爆炸了。2.砸开;猛然打开,突然打开;绽开:Her dress is so tight the seams are bursting.她的外衣这么紧身,缝口绽开了。3.爆发;迸发;突然发生;突然发作;突然…起来(into):She burst into tears.她大哭起来。to burst into applause突然欢呼起来4.忽然走,忽然来;闯,冲:She burst throught the doorway.她冲出大门口。Oil burst to the surface.石油喷出地面。5.突然开始;突然出现(或显现):The sun burst through the clouds.太阳从云缝里钻出来。6.充满,挤满;满得几乎要爆裂(常接-ing):The hall was bursting with people.大厅里挤满了人。7.充满(怨气、自豪感、活力等)(with):He burst with pride.他傲气十足。She burst with energy.她精力充沛。vt.1.使爆炸;使炸裂,使爆裂,使胀破;使爆发;(使)冲破;使砸开:She burst the balloon.她戳破了气球。2.致使(身体部位等)破裂:The doctor burst a blood vessel.医生使一条血管破裂了。3.使膨胀到爆炸点;充满,使满盈;使胀满:This sitting room will be bursting at the seams when all the guests arrive.当所有客人到来时,这间会客室将会拥挤不堪。4.闯开;冲过;通过爆炸产生;使猛然打开,使突然打开;使绽开:He burst his way through a crowd.他冲过人群。5.把(打有小孔的一长串纸)分成活页,把连页纸切成单页纸n.1.突然破裂;(炮弹)爆炸,炸裂2.爆裂,破裂3.爆炸的结果;裂口,缺口4.(感情等的)爆发,(感情、怒气、精力等的)迸发;猝发,突发,突然发生;突然的显现5.(短促而突然的)激增,采取(或做出)的有力行动(或努力);冲刺;一阵猛劲6.【军事】7.(自动武器的)连发射击8.爆炸9.【物理学】爆丛10.[俚语]狂饮,狂欢痛饮;欢闹burst at the seams见 seam变形vi.burstbursting

burstburst[bə:st]vi.(burst)1.爆炸; 爆裂; 胀破; 冲破; 溃决2.突然发生, 突然发作; 忽然出现3.(芽、蕾等)绽开4.充满burst with anger勃然大怒burst into tears放声大哭burst into the room闯入房间
词性变化burst[bə:st]vt.1.使裂开; 使破裂; 突破; 冲破2.使充满The river has burst its banks.河水冲破了堤。He burst the door open.他突然把门推开。burst[bə:st]n.1.突然破裂; 爆炸2.破裂处3.突发; 一阵迸发;【军】点射; 连发射击4.破裂[度]5.定向信号, 相位信号6.无线电脉冲, 脉冲猝发7.正弦波群, 短脉波群8.区间, 分层; 分区间9.轮胎充气耐压极限; 耐破度the burst of a bomb炸弹的爆炸a burst of anger发怒a burst of gunfire一阵炮火a burst of speed速度的突然增加

