
day off

1. 休息日

She took a day off.


rainy day

1. 艰难时刻

He put away some money for a rainy day.


before day

1. 天亮前

We'll have to finish the work before day.


be sb.'s day

1. 是某人走运之日

It just wasn't my day yesterday.


by day

1. 白天

They travelled by day and stayed at hotels by night.

他们白天行路, 晚上在旅馆过夜。

by the day

1. 按日

He got paid by the day.


call it a day

1. 结束一天的工作

Let's call it a day


day after day

1. 日复一日

He was doing the same thing day after day.


day and night

1. 日日夜夜

I will sit by her bedside day and night.


day by day

1. 一天天

She is getting better day by day.


day in, day out

1. 日复一日

Day in , day out, the food was the same.


every other day

1. 每隔一天

We will meet every other day.


from day to day

1. 天天

From day to day the town changes.


have seen/known better days

1. 曾有过富裕成功的日子

Old Sam is poor now, but he has seen better days.

老山姆现在很潦倒, 可他以前曾风光过。

of the day

1. 当代的; 当时的

These are questions of the day.


one day

1. (过去)某一天; (将来)有一天

He'll come to realize it one day.


some day

1. 总有一天

We will meet again some day.


the day after tomorrow

1. 后天

If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday.

假如今天是星期二, 后天就是星期四。

the day before yesterday

1. 前天

If today is Friday, the day before yesterday was Wednesday.

假如今天是星期五, 前天就是星期三。

the good old days

1. 过去的好时光

My grandmother always talks about the good old days when she was young.


the other day

1. 不久前某一天

I saw David at the bank the other day.


to a/the day

1. 一天也不差; 恰好

It's 5 years to the day.


to this day

1. 至今

To this day Peter won't eat peas.


习惯用语a fine day for young ducks1.[谑]下大雨的日子Admission Day1.[美]庆祝加入联邦节against a rainy day1.未雨绸缪地, 以备不时之需(常与动词 lay up, provide , put by 和 save 连用)for a rainy day1.未雨绸缪地, 以备不时之需(常与动词 lay up, provide , put by 和 save 连用)all day long (=all day)1.整天, 终日, 一天到晚an eight days1.一星期(前或后)any day1.随便哪一天2.无论如何, 毫无疑问(as) clear as day1.一清二楚, 一目了然happy as the day is long1.非常快乐merry as the day is long1.非常快乐as happy as the day is long1.非常快乐as merry as the day is long1.非常快乐(as) open as the day1.[口]光明磊落, 胸怀坦荡(as)plain as the day1.非常清楚; 显而易见as the day is long1.终日; 一贯地at day1.天亮时, 黎明时at the present day1.目前, 如今be all day with sb.1.[美]某人没有希望了, 某人完蛋了before day1.天亮前, 黎明前better days1.更美好的日子(生活)between two days1.[美, 口]在夜间; 通宵, 整夜black-letter day1.平日, 非节假日(日历上用黑体标明的日子)2.不吉利的日子, 倒霉的日子by day1.在白天during day1.在白天by day and by night1.日日夜夜by the day1.按日计算call it (half) a day1.[口]今天就做到这里为止; 暂时停止cap and feather days1.童年时代carry the day1.获胜, 战胜win the day1.获胜, 战胜close one's days1.end one's days1.curse the day one was born1.自恨生不逢辰dark days1.苦难的岁月, 黑暗的日子evil days1.苦难的岁月, 黑暗的日子dog days1.三伏天, 闷热天2.(形势, 时局等)停滞不振的日子dog-days1.三伏天, 闷热天2.(形势, 时局等)停滞不振的日子Don't praise the day until evening.1.[谚]夜未来临, 勿夸天晴; 尚未成功之事, 不可誉之过早。Drunken days have all their tomorrows.1.[谚]今霄酒醉, 明早受罪; 现在大鱼大肉, 将来必吃苦头。early in the day1.及时, 为时不晚; 大清早Every day is not Sunday.1.[谚]好景不会常在。every few days1.每隔几天every other day1.每隔一天[两天]every third day1.每隔一天[两天]Fair and softly go far in a day.1.[谚]从容稳重, 无往不胜。fall on evil days1.遭到不幸Father's Day1.[美]父亲节(六月第三个星期天)field day1.【军】野外演习日2.有重要活动的日子3.[美]体育比赛日4.[美]从事(野外)实地科学研究的日子5.户外集会, 郊游, 野餐6.特别痛快[有趣]的时刻, 获得最高成功的时刻for days on end1.一连好几天(from) day to day1.日复一日地, 一天又一天地from this day forth1.从今天起from this day onwards1.从今天起Good day!1.你好! 再见! (白天分手时用)good old days1.美好的往日, 当年good old time1.美好的往日, 当年have a day off1.休假一天have a field day1.忙了一整天; 痛快地玩了一阵子2.获得很大的成功或难得的机会have had one's day1.(某人或某事物)全盛时代已经过去了; 已经过时了have seen one's day1.(某人或某事物)全盛时代已经过去了; 已经过时了have seen better days1.曾过过富裕的日子have seen the day when ...1.曾经经历过...的日子[时代]have seen the time when ...1.曾经经历过...的日子[时代]if it's a day1.(年岁等)肯定, 至少if he's a day1.(年岁等)肯定, 至少if she's a day1.(年岁等)肯定, 至少in all one's born days1.一生, 生平in broad day1.光天化日之下, 在大白天in daylight1.光天化日之下, 在大白天in days gone by1.往日, 从前in days of old1.古代, 昔时, 从前in days of yore1.古代, 昔时, 从前in one's day1.(在某人)年轻时, 在旺盛的时候on one's day1.(在某人)年轻时, 在旺盛的时候in one's early days1.在(某人)年轻的时候, 在初期in the days to come1.将来, 今后in the old days1.昔时, 从前, 过去in olden days1.昔时, 从前, 过去(in) these days1.现在, 如今, 目前(in) these latter days1.近来; 当今时代(in) this day and age1.目前; 在今天这个时代in those days1.当时, 那时候keep one's day1.守时日; 守约know the time of day1.识时务; 机灵, 能随机应变2.消息灵通; 了解情况late in the day1.[口]为时太晚, 很晚, 失时机live out one's days1.过一辈子live out one's life1.过一辈子livelong day1.终日, 整天整日lose the day1.战败make a day of it1.把整天的时间用于某事上make sb.'s day1.使某人的日子过得快活many a day1.好多日子, 许多天, 长时间里name in (on) the same day with1.与...同日而语name the day1.(女人)决定结婚的日子of a day1.暂短的; 短命的of the day1.当时的; 当代的off day1.休假日2.体力不好的日子; 运动员竞技状态不佳的时候one day1.有一天, 某一天; 总有一天one fine day1.有一天, 有一回, 有一次(讲故事时常用语)one of these(fine) days1.近日, 不日; 总有一天one's day1.在家会客日one's day is gone1.已非当年; 黄金时代已经过去了one's days are numbered1.活不多久了, 寿命不长了one's hours are numbered1.活不多久了, 寿命不长了open as the day1.[口]襟怀坦白, 光明磊落palmy days1.全盛时期parting day1.(诗中用语)傍晚, 黄昏的时候Praise a fair day at night.1.[谚]到了夜里才能说今天是晴天; 盖棺定论。salad days1.年轻不懂事的时期, 经验不足的青少年时期2.[美俚]最佳时期, 全盛时期save the day1.【军】扭转败局2.挽救局面see better days1.(曾经)盛极一时, (曾经)阔气过some day1.(将来)总有一天one of these days1.(将来)总有一天some fine day1.将来有一天Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.1.[谚]当天的苦恼就够人受了[别再为明天操心了]。Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.1.[谚]当天的苦恼就够人受了[别再为明天操心了]。That will be the day.1.那正是值得期待的日子。2.[讽]没有那回事儿; 不会有这样的事。The better day, the better deed.1.[谚]越是节日, 做事越顺利。the day1.到那时, 到那一天2.发生重大事件的那一天the day after1.[美 day after]第二天the day after tomorrow1.后天the day before1.(某日的)前一天, 头天the day before yesterday1.前天The day goes against...1.战况对...不利the other day1.前些日子, 几天前, 那天the present day1.目前, 当代this day month1.一个月前的今天; 一个月后的今天this day week1.上星期的今天; 下星期的今天this many a day1.这许多天来, 这段日子里those days1.那些日子; 那个时代through the day1.一整天till one's dying day1.直到生命结束的一天; 至死to one's dying day1.直到生命结束的一天; 至死to a day1.恰好; 一天也不差to the day1.恰好; 一天也不差to this day1.迄今; 直到今天, 直到现在turn the day against sb.1.使某人陷入不利的局势wear through the day1.好歹挨过了一天win the day1.获胜; 获得成功with each passing day1.日益地, 一天天地without day1.无期限地延期day about1.每隔一天day after day1.一天又一天地, 日复一日地day after the fair1.过迟, 错过时机day behind the fair1.过迟, 错过时机day and night1.日日夜夜地, 日夜不停地night and day1.日日夜夜地, 日夜不停地day before the fair1.过早, 太早day by day1.逐日地, 一天天地day in and day out1.一天到晚, 天天; 继续不断地day in court1.【律】出庭日2.发言的机会day of doom1.世界末日, 上帝最后审判日2.【律】法庭宣判日day of judgement1.世界末日, 上帝最后审判日2.【律】法庭宣判日day of reckoning1.算帐的日子; 受报应的日子;【宗】最后审判日day of rest1.星期日day off1.休息日off day1.休息日day out1.在(家)外面度过的日子2.仆人的假日days marked with a white stone1.幸福的日子, 吉日days of grace1.【商】宽限日期特殊用法account day1.结算日active day1.(地磁)受扰日disturbed day1.(地磁)受扰日aerological day1.【气】高空观测日alloted days1.规定天数antipodes day1.船舶通过国际日期变更线日期apparent solar day1.视太阳日appointed day1.指定日期Arbor Day1.[美]植树节All Fool's Day1.=(April Fool's Day)万愚节, 愚人节(四月一日, 这天中午前可以愚弄他人的)All Hallows Day1.万圣节(11月1日)All Saints' Day1.万圣节(11月1日)Arbor Day1.[美]植树节Armistice Day1.第一, 二次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日)(自1954年起美国改称 Veterans Day 退伍军人节)Remembrance Day1.第一, 二次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日)(自1954年起美国改称 Veterans Day 退伍军人节)Army Day1.(中国)建军节(8月1日)Ascension Day1.耶稣升天节(复活节后第四十天以后的第一个星期四)Holy Thursday1.耶稣升天节(复活节后第四十天以后的第一个星期四)assumed settling day1.假定结算日astronomical day1.天文日average solar day1.平均太阳日banian day1.缺肉天, [澳]伙食不好的日子banyan day1.缺肉天, [澳]伙食不好的日子bargain day1.交易日, 廉价销售日basic labour day1.基本劳动日Bastille Day1.巴士底日(7月14日, 法国国庆日)black-letter day1.平日, 素日, 非节假日2.不吉利或倒霉的日子Boxing Day1.圣诞赠礼日(在这天向雇员、邮递员等赠送礼物, 为"圣诞节次日")business day1.营业日business-industry-education day1.[美]工商教育日(中小学教师到工商企业了解情况)calendar day1.历日calm day1.(地磁)平静日quiet day1.(地磁)平静日car day1.车日carriage over day1.缓期与否决定日(英国交易所用语)cash day1.付款日census day1.人口普查日chair days1.[诗]晚年, 暮年chair-days1.[诗]晚年, 暮年civil day1.民用日, 昼夜clear days1.完整工作日closing day1.停业日college day1.大学日(中学请大学来人介绍情况)college days1.大学时代Columbus Day1.哥伦布发现美洲纪念日(10月12日)Discovery Day1.哥伦布发现美洲纪念日(10月12日)consecutive days1.连续作业日, 连续营业日constituent day1.【天】要素日contango day1.交易延期费结算日continuation day1.交割限期日control day1.【气】控制日court day1.(法庭)开庭日, 审理日daft days1.圣诞节前后的欢乐日子decoration day1.校庆日delivery day1.交货日demurrage days1.滞期天数disturbed day1.(地磁)受扰日active day1.(地磁)受扰日double day1.二重日, 双日dull day1.淡日Earth Day1.地球清洁日eight-hour day1.八小时制ember days1.【宗】四季大斋日ephemeris day1.【天】历书日extended school day1.延长学生在校时间制fast day1.斋戒日First Day1.基督教公谊会对星期日的称呼flag day1.[英](一种慈善机关募捐款人送一面小旗以示敬意的)售旗募捐日Flag Day1.美国国旗纪念日(6月14日)Forefather's Day1.[美]祖先纪念日(12月21日)frost day1.【气】霜日full business day1.交易整日gaudy day1.[英](大学)会餐日halcyon days1.【气】平安时期high day1.节日, 宗教节日holy day1.宗教节日; (天主教)瞻礼日honors day1.开学典礼, 结业式Hundred Days1.(拿破仑从厄尔巴逃出重掌政权至彻底失败为止的)百日天下(1815.3.20-1815.6.28)ice day1.【气】冰日idle days1.停留天数(不能使用或没有用的天数)Inauguration Day1.美国总统就职日(从前是3月4日, 1934年后改为11月20日)Independence Day1.美国独立日(7月4日)initial day1.起算日intercalary day1.【天】闰日Julian day1.【天】儒略日key day1.【气】关键日labor day1.工作日Labour Day1.劳动节Ladie's Day1.[美]女宾日(该日妇女可免费或半费观看各种体育比赛 )Lady Day1.圣母领报节(3月5日)2.[英]春季结帐日Last day1.上帝最后审判日(大写, 小写皆可)last day of school year1.学年结束日lay days1.装卸货日数; 停泊日数, 出港迟延日数leap day1.闰日legal day1.(到午夜12点为止的)一日loading days1.装货日期Lord's Day1.【宗】主日(即星期日)lunar day1.【天】太阴日lying days1.卸货日mail day1.邮件截止日market day1.集市日May Day1.五一国际劳动节measuring day1.【采矿】收尺日megawatt day1.兆瓦日, 兆瓦天memorial day1.纪念日Memorial Day1.[美]美国对阵亡战士的纪念日(每州不同, 一般5月30日)meridian day1.子午线日Michaelmas day1.英国结算期之一(9月29日)Midsummer day1.英国结算期之一(6月24日)Mother's Day1.(美国, 加拿大等的)母亲节(5月份的笫二个星期日)name day1.结算日, 命名日(欧美人常以圣徒名取名, 该圣徒的节日即为此人的命名日); (