
hustlehustleD.J.:[ˈhʌsl]K.K.:[ˈhʌsəl]vt. & vi.1.催促, (使)赶快, (使)迅速行动I hustled the children off to school.我催促孩子们赶快上学去。vt.1.(用强迫或欺骗的手段)劝说He hustled me into buying the car.他硬逼我买下那辆汽车。n.1.忙碌, 奔忙Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。

hustle['hʌsl]vi.1.抓紧干,积极努力地做:What are you hustling about there ?你在那儿忙什么呢?The whole restaurant would hustle after 7 o'clock.七点以后整个餐馆就会忙碌起来了。2.急速行进:He hustled into and out of the office.他急匆匆地走进办公室,又匆匆离去了。3.推;挤:She hustled against the door and locked it up.她用力推住门,然后把门锁上了。I hustled to the front with all my strength.我奋力挤到了前面。4.[口语]拼命干,卖力做:You have to hustle further if you want to finish it.如果你想一下子干完的话,你还得卖点力气。5.[口语]卖力兜售;拼命赚钱:He said he had to hustle to support his family.他说他得拼命赚钱以便养家

hustlehustle[ˈhʌsl]vi.1.赶忙做; 奔忙2.催促; 硬逼3.有力地工作4.拥挤; 乱挤[推], 挤过去5.强夺; 欺骗6.[俗]生意[赚钱]表现很积极7.[俚]用不正当的手段赚钱, (妓女)拉客hustle about putting the room in order急急忙忙地把屋子收拾干净Come on, now! H-!别浪费时间! 快把工作做好!
词性变化hustle[ˈhʌsl]vt.1.赶忙做2.催促3.强迫某人买或做事4.驱赶[逐]5.拥[硬]挤; 乱推, 挤进[出]6.强夺; 欺骗7.以积极[不正当]的方法获得金钱; 竭力推销; 强卖8.[俚]骗赌hustle sb. into doing sth.强迫某人做某事hustle sth. out of the way排除障碍物hustle souvenirs强卖纪念品He hustled him out of his savings.他把他的储蓄骗走了。hustle[ˈhʌsl]n.1.赶忙做2.催促3.努力; 奋发4.拥挤; 乱拥[挤, 推]5.急忙6.[俚]干使人上当的勾当

继承用法hustler[ˈhʌslə(r)]n.1.乱推乱挤的人; 精力充沛、能干的人2.[俚]骗子3.[俚]妓女