
lie about

1. 闲着不做事

He lay about all day instead of working.

他整天游手好闲, 无所事事。

lie by

1. 停歇

They lay by during the heat of the day.


习惯用语act a lie1.用行为骗人big lie1.弥天大谎black lie1.用心险恶的谎言eighteen carat lie1.[美]彻头彻尾的谎言; 恬不知耻地对某人当面说谎flap the lie in sb.'s teeth1.对某人当面撒谎give sb. the lie in his throat1.指责某人说谎give the lie to sth.1.揭穿某事的虚伪性live a lie1.过欺骗人的生活; 做人虚伪nail a lie1.拆穿谎言, 拆穿西洋镜One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it. (=One lie makes[callsfor] many)1.[谚]一次撒谎装得象, 得有七次假话帮。swap lies1.[美、口]闲聊, 闲话, 胡扯throw a lie in sb.'s face1.当面斥责某人说谎white lie1.不怀恶意的谎言worship a lie1.盲目崇拜错误的事物Lies have short [no] legs.1.[谚]撒谎总是站不住脚的。