
scalescaleD.J.:[skeil]K.K.:[skel]n.1.鱼鳞, 鳞片Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever.猩红热病愈后皮肤上的鳞屑就会脱落。2.鳞状物; 障眼物The doctor removed the scale from his eyes.医生除去了他眼中的障眼物。His explanations removed the scale from my eyes.他的解释使我看清了真相。3.水垢, 水锈A scale of rust covered the steel plate.一层铁锈覆盖了钢板。4.刻度, 度数This ruler has only one scale in centimeters.这把尺只有厘米刻度。5.比例(尺)The scale of this map is an inch to a mile.这张地图的比例尺是一英寸代表一英里。6.规模; 程度; 范围He's in business on a small scale.他做的是小本生意。7.等级; 级别For every year you've worked here you go up another step on the salary scale.你在这儿每工作一年, 工资就会长一级。His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.他的社会地位提高之迅速令人吃惊。8.天平, 磅秤The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.肉贩用盘秤称肉。vt.1.刮去…的鳞片[鳞状物]You have to scale the fish before cooking it.你在烧鱼之前得刮去鳞片。The plaster is scaling off the wall.灰泥从墙上剥落。2.称…的重量The fish scales 2 pounds.这条鱼重两磅。3.攀登, 爬The boys soon scaled the wall.男孩很快就爬上了墙头。They are determined to spare no efforts to scale the peaks in science and technology.他们决心全力攀登科技高峰。

scale1[skeil]n.1.【动物】鳞,鳞片,甲鳞2.【昆虫学】(鳞翅目昆虫的)翅鳞3.(皮肤等的)鳞屑4.[亦称作 bud scale]【植物学】鳞苞,鳞皮;鳞叶5.【昆虫】介壳虫,蚧[亦作 scale insect]6.【昆虫学】(介壳虫的)介壳7.介壳虫病害8.牙垢,牙锈9.水垢,水锈10.[常用复数] 【冶金学】氧化层;氧化皮,轧制鳞皮[亦称作 mill scale]11.【医学】眼翳,翳障12.[复数] 障眼物13.【圣经】(致使圣保罗暂时失明的)苦恼[《使徒行传》9:18]14.鱼鳞铠甲;鱼鳞甲片vt.1.刮去…鳞片;剥去…的壳:to scale peanut剥花生皮2.刮去…的氧化层;除去…的积垢:to scale the steel bar刮去钢棍上的锈皮to scale a kettle除去水壶的水垢3.使生鳞屑:to scale when suffering from scarlet患猩红热时易生鳞屑4.使生水垢:to scale the kettle令水壶生水垢5.用…打水漂:to scale a slice of stone用薄石片打水漂6.[苏格兰英语]使分散,使分开:to scale the public驱散人群7.【医学】剔除(牙垢),除去…的牙垢:to scale tartar剔除牙垢vi.1.刮鳞;(鳞屑)脱落;剥落:The fish scaled.鱼鳞刮干净了。The bark scaled off the tree.树皮从树上脱落了。2.生鳞片3.生鳞屑4.生水垢;长牙垢:The boiler scaled.锅炉生水垢了。变形vt.scaledscaling scale2[skeil]n.1.[常用复数,用作单数]天平,称,称重器具2.称具,天平盘(= scalepan)3.(尤指牲畜的)重量;大小4.[the Scales]【天文学、占星学】天平座;天平宫vt.1.称…的重量,把…过称:to scale one's weight称量体重2.称得重量为:The goods scales 10 tones.货物重量称过是10吨。3.把…均等称开:To scale medicinal powder.把药面均等称开。vi.1.被称,被过秤:an elephant that has scaled称了重量的大象2.称得重量为(in):He bought a piece of meat scaling in four pounds.他买了一块重4磅的肉。be (或 hang) in the scales (或 scale)悬而未决,处于紧要关头hold the scales even (或 equally)公平裁决;主持公道redress the scales (或 balance)校准天平合理调整公平处理throw into the scale使起决定性作用,使成为具有影响力的影响tip (或 turn) the scale (或scales)称得重量为,有…重(通常与at连用)起决定性作用;扭转局面,改变形势weigh something in the nicest scales在极其精确的天平上称某物周密细致地权衡某事变形vt.scaledscaling scale3['skeil]n.1.刻度,标度2.标尺;刻度尺3.4.(实物与图表)比例5.比例尺6.等级;级别7.(价格、工资等的)级别表,等级表8.(工资等级表上列出的)工资9.[亦作 union scale]合同规定的最低工资10.规模,大小;范围11.(距离、面积等的)比率12.(衡量)尺度;衡量标准(或水准)13.[古语]攀登工具14.[废语]梯子;梯级;楼梯15.【数学】进位制16.【教育学、心理学】量表17.【音乐】音阶18.【摄影术】影调范围19.[美国英语]【农业】材积(表)vt.1.用(标尺等)丈量(或测量):to scale a plot on a hill丈量山上的一小块土地2.用比例尺绘制(图表等):to scale a map用比例尺绘制地图3.按(等级)安排;按(比例)调节:to scale a test按不同级别安排测试to scale up wages按比例提高工资4.攀登;登上…的顶点:to scale the peak攀上顶峰5.[美国英语]丈量…的材积,估量(木材材方)vi.1.逐步升高;形成高低系列:The handrail scales with the steps.扶手随阶梯逐级升高。2.衡量;估量:the way that scales with gains and losses衡量得失的标准3.攀登(over):to scale over the hill爬山high in the social scale社会所尊重的in scale (with)(与…)成比例,(与…)相称learn one's scale开始学习音乐on a large scale大规模地on a samall scale小规模地on the scale of按…的比例;以…的规模out of scale不成比例,不相称play scales练习指法sing scales练声,吊嗓子sink in the scale降级,降低地位to scale按比例变形vt.scaledscaling

scalescale[skeil]n.1.尺度, 刻度(尺, 盘, 表); 标度(盘),标尺2.级别; 等级(表); 量表3.比例(尺), 缩尺; 比率[值];【军】分划4.规模, 大小, 程度, 范围5.阶梯, 梯子, 阶段6.【音】音阶, 音列7.【数】进位法[制], 进制; 换算(法), 进位计数法, 记数法8.(对木材的)估量, 积表9.量计, 计量器, 测定计[仪]a scale to measure sth.衡量某物的尺度the scale on a thermometer温度计的标度scale model比例模型wage [pay] scale工资等级a map on the scale [to a scale] of a centimetreto five kilometers按照一公分代表五公里的比例绘成的地图run over scales (on the piano)(在钢琴上)练习指法binary scale二进制记数法This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches.这把尺子上有厘米和英寸二种刻度。He sings scales every morning.他每天早晨练音[吊噪子]。
词性变化scalevt.1.攀登; 爬越; 用梯子爬越2.(按比例)排列; 增加(up); 减低(down); 绘制; 调节; 约略计算[估算]3.换算, 改变[确定]比例; 刻度, 定标scale new heights of science and technology攀登科学技术新高峰scale the wall by a ladder用梯攀登越墙scale a map按比例绘制地图The tax was scaled up [down] to 10 percent税按比例增[减]百分之十。scalevi.1.攀登, (逐步)升高2.衡量

继承用法scale-down[ˈskeɪldaʊn]n.1.(按比例)缩减, 降低;【无】分频scalepapern.1.坐标纸scaleplaten.1.标尺, 刻度板, 标度盘scaleovern.1.过刻度scale-up[ˈskeɪlʌp]n.1.(按比率)增加, 扩大, 升高scaled[skeɪld]adj.1.有刻度的, 成比例的; 用云梯登城而占领的