
sinksinkD.J.:[siŋk]K.K.:[sɪŋk]vt. & vi.1.(使)下沉; (使)沉没The ship struck against the rocks and sank.那艘船触礁沉没了。The sun is sinking in the west.太阳西下。The foundations have sunk.地基下陷了。His heart sank at the thought.想到这个他情绪低落下来。The prices are sinking.物价下跌了。Her voice had sunk even lower as she went on.她的声音越来越低。The lack of money will certainly sink our plan.资金短缺准会毁了我们的计划。n.1.水池, 水槽The dirty dishes are in the sink.脏碟子在洗涤槽中。

sink[siŋk]vi.1.sank /sæŋk/ 或sunk /sʌŋk/, sunk或sunken /'sʌŋkən/, sinking2.下垂;下沉;沉没:Wood does not sink in water.木头在水中不会沉没。3.(日、月、星辰等)落,沉落:The sun is sinking in the west.日落西山。4.倾斜;下坍;下陷:to sink to the east向东倾斜The foundations have sunk.地基已经下陷了。5.下落;倾倒:Our plane sank to the height of 3 kilometres.我们的飞机下降到了三千米的高度。to sink to the ground倒在地上6.降低,减弱:He went out of the door when the rain sank.雨小了一些时,他走出了门。Your voice might sink,but I can hear.你小点儿声,我听得见。7.下跌,下降:The price of personal computers will sink again.家用电脑的价格还要降。to sink into insignificance下降到微不足道8.(健康、体力等)衰弱,衰退:He is sinking.他越来越衰弱了。9.(液体)渗入,渗进(into,in):The rain sank into the dry ground.雨水渗进了干旱的土地。10.慢慢进入,渐渐变得;陷入(in,into):to sink into a deep sleep渐入梦乡Then she sank in thought.然后她便陷入了沉思。11.沉沦,堕落:to sink willingly自甘堕落12.凹陷,内陷:sunken eyes凹陷的双眼13.[口语]被领会;被理解(in,into):I heard what she said,but it did not sink in till some time later.她说的话我听见了,但是过了一段时间后我才慢慢理解。Eventually her remarke sank in.她的一番话最终被人理解了。14.坐下;躺下(down,in,on):to sink down in the sofa躺在沙发上vt.1.使下沉,使沉没:to sink a ship沉船2.使降低,放低:to sink one's voice压低声音to sink the water level of降低…的水位3.把…埋入地下;把…铺在地下:to sink a post栽下一根木桩to sink a petroleum pipeline铺设石油管路4.使地位降低;使恶化:to sink one's bad condition使某人的困境更加恶化5.使减少;使缓和:to sink the number of减少…的数量6.塞进,嵌入:to sink the ax into a tree trunk把斧子砍进树干7.使沉浸于,陷入(in):to sink somebody in perplexity使某人陷入迷惘8.使沉沦,使堕落:He was sunk completely.他已彻底堕落了。9.凿;钻;挖:to sink a well挖井10.在…上投资;投入(资金);(因投资失误而)丧失(财产、资金等):to sink one's efforts into the business把精力放在工作上to sink one's money in在…上亏损了钱11.偿还(债务)12.掩盖,掩饰;抑制,克制:to sink a fact掩盖事实to sink one's appetite for克制…的欲望13.14.【足球、橄榄球】踢(球)进门15.【篮球】投(球)入篮16.【高尔夫球、台球】击(球)入洞(或袋)n.1.水槽,水池2.渗水坑,低洼地3.污水井,污水池4.下水道,阴沟5.藏污纳垢的场所;巢,窟6.吸附物;【物理学】汇,壑7.(飞机等的)垂直下降速度8.【地质学】落水洞,炭岩坑9.【印刷】章头空白;章头空白量all but the kitchen sink太多(或多余)的东西sink differences消除分歧sink or swim孤注一掷;无论如何

sinksink[siŋk]vi.(sank [sANk], sunk [sQNk]; sunk, sunken[ˈsʌŋkən])1.下沉, 沉没2.低落, 下垂[陷]3.减[衰]弱, 沮丧, 消沉; 沦落4.渗[深]入5.凹[陷]下去, 低垂, 斜下去6.游入水底深处7.给人以深刻印象8.坐, 躺9.消失sink into a deep sleep沉沉入睡Wood does not sink in water.木头不会沉入水中。The sun was sinking in the west.太阳正在西下。His heart sank at the thought of war.想到战争他的情绪显得十分低沉。
词性变化sink[siŋk]vt.1.使下沉, 击沉2.使衰弱[没落], 损害3.使降低4.挖, 凿, 打进; 埋入; 压倒5.减少, 使(股票等)跌 价; 丧失, 荡尽, 废弃不用6.偿还, 投资给7.隐藏; 抑制; 摒除, 把...放在一边8.不重视; 搞垮9.雕, 刻10.【刷】低行(排)sink one's head upon one's chest颓丧地垂下头来sink a well挖井sink a post one foot deep in the ground将一根柱子埋入地里1英尺深sink a lot of money in house-building以大量金钱投资建房He sink his voice to a whisper.他把声音降低为耳语。Let us sink our difference.让我们排除分歧。He was sunk in deep thought.他陷入沉思。sink[siŋk]n.1.水槽[池]; 阴沟; 污水池, 粪坑; 藏污纳垢的场所2.[美俚]海洋3.洼地; 落水洞; 渗坑4.【物】中子吸收剂; 变换器, 转发器5.【戏】布景起落口

继承用法sinkboxn.1.沉箱sinkabilityn.1.(奶粉等的)下沉性sinkable[ˈsɪŋkəbl]adj.sinkage[ˈsɪŋkɪdʒ]n.1.下沉(度)2.下沉地带; 低洼地