
spreadspreadD.J.:[spred]K.K.:[sprɛd]vt. & vi.1.伸开, 展开, 摊开Its branches spread far and wide.它的枝条向四面八方伸展开来。Spreading her wings, the bird headed for the island.鸟儿展开翅膀向岛上飞去。Please spread me some bread with butter.请给我一些抹了黄油的面包。2.(使)传播, (使)散布Who spread these rumours?谁散布的这些谣言?They spread themselves to entertain the visitors.他们大肆铺张招待来访客人。n.1.范围, 宽度, 宽阔度; 连续的一段时间The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion.调查结果表明各种意见差别很大。2.传播, 蔓延The spread of cholera alarmed the whole city.霍乱流行使全城的人都恐慌了。

spread[spred]vt.1.打开,摊开,平铺开(常与out连用):to spread one's books on the desk把一堆书摊放在课桌上She spread a sheet on the sofa for me.她为我在沙发上铺了一条单子。2.张开,伸开,展开(out):to spread its wings展翅飞翔The flag was spread out in the wind.那面旗子在风中展开了。3.摆开,摆放:She spread our lunch on the grass.她在草地上摆好了我们的午饭。4.涂,敷:She kept gazing at him, while spreading jam on the bread.她在往面包上涂果酱时,眼睛一直在盯着他。to spread salve on a wound往伤口上敷药膏5.陈列,展示;展现:He spread all his drawings.他把他的绘画作品全都展示出来了。A new future will spread its magnificence out before us.一个崭新的美好前景必将展现在我们的面前。6.把…覆盖在…上(over):to spread a blanket over one's body把毯子盖在身上7.摆好(餐桌),准备好(饭菜),端上8.使(时间)延续;把…分期完成(over):The project should be spread over ten weeks.该工程必须延长十周才能完工。9.传播;散布;蔓延:to spread religion传播宗教信仰to spread rumours散布流言10.撒;施:to spread seeds撒种It's time to spread fertilizer.该施肥了。11.散发(气、烟等),使向四处散开:The roast beef spread its delicious smell.烤牛肉散发出诱人的香味。Bright light spreads all over the room.明亮的灯光照亮了屋中的每个角落。12.使(强行)分开:He spread his arms over his head in surrender.他高举双手投降了。13.把…敲平;把…展宽:to spread the end of a rivet by hammering把铆钉头锤平14.[美国英语]记录,把…记入(on, upon):What he said was completely spread on the record.他所说的每一句话全都被记录在案。15.【语音学】16.把双唇展开发(音)17.把…发成展元音18.[古语]蔓延于,完全覆盖vi.1.伸开;伸展;扩展:the wings that spread out展开的双翅The factory has spread 5 times bigger than before.该厂已扩展至原来的5倍。2.(景色、景致)展现;展示:The fine scenery will spread before you when you walk through the forest.走出这片树林,你就会发现一片美景展现在你的面前。3.软化,熔化:Margarine spreads easily.人造黄油容易溶化。4.(液体)流向四方;(烟、气等)散发:A drop of ink spreads on the paper.一滴墨水在纸上形成了一片墨迹。the scent that spread from the kichen从厨房散发出的香味5.(人群)散开;(人口、动植物等)迁移:A few minutes later the crowd spread out.几分钟后人群散开了。Now the citizens are beginning to spread to the countryside.现在城市居民开始向农村迁移。6.传开,传播;蔓延开:His name spreads all over the world.他成了海内外尽人皆知的名人。The disease is quickly spreading in the world.这种疾病正在迅速地向世界各地蔓延。7.变得司空见惯8.向四处散开9.分开,被分开10.被敲平;被辗宽n.1.展开,伸展;扩展2.伸展性3.4.(鸟的)两翼全长5.(飞机的)翼展6.传播;散布;蔓延;普及7.一片;广阔;幅员8.桌布;床单9.涂抹调味品(如果酱、奶油等)10.[口语]丰盛的酒宴,宴会11.差距,差异;差额,差价12.[美国口语]大房子,大宅13.[美国口语]农场;牧场14.【新闻学】15.整版(或两版)的广告(或照片等)16.大量版面的文章17.(宝石的)表观大小18.(人到中年后的)发胖19.[美国、加拿大英语](橄榄球赛打赌强队将战胜弱队的)分数差,胜分adj.1.张开的,展开的2.(宝石)扁薄发光的3.(文章、照片等)跨两栏(或多栏)的4.【语言学】双唇展开的spread it on thick[美国俚语]夸大,吹牛讨好,奉承,拍马屁spread it thick[口语]生活富裕(或阔绰)spread it thin[口语]生活困难spread one's net设下圈套spread one's own wings施展才干,发挥才能spread oneself直挺挺地躺卧;平伸四肢[口语]自夸,自吹[口语]东拉西扯,滔滔不绝地说(或写)[口语]不惜花钱;不遗余力spread oneself(too) thin贪多嚼不烂变形vt.spreadspreading

spreadspread[spred]vt.(spread)1.伸开, 展开, 铺开, 摆开2.传播, 散布, 使扩大蔓延开去3.涂, 敷, 撒, 复盖4.把...分期, 使延长5.展开, 延伸 (金属等), 敲平6.展出, 展示7.详细记录, 详述, 登记8.布置, 安排spread out a map摊开地图spread tea on the table把茶点摆在桌子上spread news传播消息spread butter on bread (=spread bread with butter)在面包上涂奶油spread manure over a field在田里撒粪肥spread out the payments on the loan over eighteen months把借款分18个月还清spread resolutions upon the minutes把决议记录在记录本里spread the matter on the records把情况记录下来The bird spread its wings.鸟伸展翅膀。Flies spread diseases.苍蝇传染疾病。
词性变化spread[spred]vi.1.展开, 扩大, 伸展, (时间)延长2.传开, 蔓延开, 传染开, (水等)渗开3.(金属等)延伸4.(花叶等)开放spread from mouth to mouth众口流传spread like wildfire象野火一样迅速蔓延[传播]It's time to spread for dinner.是(摆桌子)开饭的时候了。Coloured banners spread in the wind.彩旗迎风招展。This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters.这是门两个学期学完的必修课。The rumour quickly spread through the village.谣言很快在村子里传开了。The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby.大火从工厂延烧到附近的房子。spread[spred]n.1.伸展, 扩展2.传播, 散布, 流行, 蔓延, 分布3.(一片)广 阔的土地[水域], [美]大牧场4.报刊上整页的文章, 横贯两版的篇幅5.被单, 床罩; 桌布6.涂抹食品; 宴会, 筵席, 酒席; 一桌菜7.跨距; 差距; 脱节; 翼展;【机】轮距;【商】制造成本和卖价间的差额8.展性;【数】展形9.散射范围, 特性曲线的分散范围10.统计离散; 概率散差11.(宝石的)琢磨面obtain similar spreads享受同样利率幅差the spread of education教育的普及the spread of a bird's wings鸟的翼展What a spread![俚]多丰盛的酒席呀!He's developing (a) middle-age spread.[俚]他逐渐发福了。spread[spred]adj.[只作定语]1.扩大的, 伸展的, 广大的, 大幅的2.(宝石)薄而无光泽的

继承用法spread-eagleadj.1.展翼鹰似的; 有展翼鹰图象的; 自夸的; 沙文主义的

词性变化spread[spred]vi.1.伸开四肢站立[爬行]; (溜冰时)作横一字型vt.1.张开...手脚, 横跨spread-eagleismn.1.(美国的)自夸自赞的沙文主义, 夸耀本国spread-headn.1.大标题spread-outn.1.(火焰)拉长, 冒火, 喷火spreadabilityn.spreadable[ˈspredəbl]adj.