
standstandD.J.:[stænd]K.K.:[stænd]n.1.立脚点; 站立He made a sudden stand.他突然站住了。2.台, 座There was a hamburger stand at the entrance to the station.车站入口处有一个卖汉堡的小摊。3.售货处; 摊4.看台, 观众席The stands were packed.看台上座无虚席。5.主张, 立场; 态度His stand toward the matter has not changed.他对这个问题的立场没有改变。6.中止, 停顿7.抵抗, 抵御In February 1916 the French Army made a stand at Verdun.1916年2月法国军队在凡尔登进行抵抗。vi.1.坐落, 位于The house stands on a hill.房屋坐落于小山上。2.维持原状; 保持效力The rule still stands.本规则依然有效。You stand to make a lot of money this time.你这次一定能赚很多钱。3.停着We stood waiting by the roadside.我们站在路旁等着。vt.1.竖放You should stand the box on end.你应该把箱子竖着放。2.忍耐; 忍受; 经得起, 受得起I cannot stand that man; he talks too much.我忍受不了那个人了, 他话太多。I couldn't stand to watch them slaughter the cattle.我不忍看他们宰牛。He can't stand traveling in the rush hour.他受不了在交通最繁忙时出游。If you come, I'll stand you lunch.你如果来, 我就请你吃午饭。I'll stand a dinner for you if I'm wrong.我要是错了就请你吃饭。vt. & vi.1.站立, (使)直立, 站着The baby cannot stand yet.这婴孩还不能站立。vi. & link v.1.处于某种状态The classroom stands empty during the holiday.在假期中教室都空着。link v.1.高度为…He stood 4 feet 9 inches.他身高4英尺9英寸。

stand[stænd]vi.1.站立;站稳:Don't stand. Take a seat, please.别站着,请坐下。He could not stand when he reached the top of the hill.爬上山顶之后,他都站不起来了。2.站立起来,起立(常与 up连用):He stood up when the coach counted eight.当裁判计数数到8时,他站立了起来。She stood up from the sofa, and then reached me the book.她从沙发上站起身来,把那本书递给了我。3.具…的身高:He stands six feet seven.他身高六英尺七英寸。4.直立不动,直挺挺地站立;(植物)直立生长:The train still stood there.火车还停在那里没开走。Some big trees at the top of the hill stand into the sky.山顶上有几棵参天的大树。5.(直立着)占位置;(东西)被放置:He stood by the postbox.他站在邮筒旁边。to stand aside站在一旁6.坚定不移,坚持不变:His voice still stood with courage.他的语音依然是那么勇敢坚定。They stood steadfast on their faith.他们坚守他们的信念。7.保持不变,保持效用:I went there once again ten years later, but nothing changed. All stood there.十年之后我又去了那里,可什么变化也没有,一切还是老样子。The item of the contract still stands now.该项合同条款现在依然有效。8.以特定姿势站立;移向特定站立位置:to stand lazily懒散地站着to stand in the column of fours站成四路纵队9.处于某种状态(或境况、关系、地位等):He will stand sponsor to my son.他将做我儿子的教父。You should stand corrected.你应该承认错误。10.采取某种态度:He stands for your motion.他同意你的提议。11.位于,坐落于:The Tower of London stands in the East End of London.伦敦塔位于伦敦的东区。12.显示某个数量(或度数、分数、数字等):The score stood 2 to 1 at the half.上半场的比分为2比1。Your temperature stands at 100°F.测得你的体温为100华氏度。13.竖立,未倒塌;未腐坏;未被毁坏(通常与 up 连用):The old building still stood up well.那所古老的建筑依然完好无损地挺立在那里。The ruins still stood.被摧毁的残垣断壁还竖立在那里。14.停止,停住;停用,(车)停放不用:No standing!不准停车The bike stood in the basement all winter.整个冬天,自行车就放在地下室里。15.(水等)不流动,呆滞,聚积:After the rain,water stood in front of the house.雨后,房屋前积了一些水。16.定会,必然会:He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations in lands.他在地产投机生意上必定会赚相当可观的一笔钱。17.抵御,抵抗18.[主英国英语]做候选人,参加竞选:He was pointed a stalking-horse to stand.他被选作掩护性候选人参加竞选。19.【狩猎】(猎犬)站住用头指向(或指出)猎物位置20.【航海学】(船)取某一航向,保持特定航向:to stand offshore沿海岸航行21.【板球】作裁判员22.【印刷】保留已排好的版面23.(公马等)可作种马;(母畜)接受配种:The Derby winner is now standing.这匹在马赛中获胜的马现在用作了种马。24.[废语]犹豫,有顾虑[常用于否定句]vt.1.使站立,使竖起;使直立,竖放:He was ordered by the policemen to stand himself against the wall with the arms putting up.警察命令他举起双手靠墙站着。The mountaineers stood a flag at their quarters.登山队员在他们的宿营地上树起了一面旗子。2.经受,遭受;经得起:to stand an assault被袭击to stand suffering of the life经受生活的磨难3.忍住,忍受,忍耐:to stand trial受审How can you stand such insolence?你还能忍受这样的侮辱吗?4.抵御,抵挡;不为…所伤:He stands heavy strokes as a boxer.作为拳击手,他有很强的抗击打能力。to stand coldness御寒5.忍让,容忍:to stand others' criticism听得进别人的批评I can't stand what he said.他说的话令我忍无可忍。6.执行(任务);参与:to stand watch on board ship在船上值班I stood the drawing up of a constitution.我曾参与了制定宪法的工作。7.[口语]请…的客,为…付账:I'll stand you to a drink.我给你付酒钱。8.提供…的站立位置:The new square stands more than 80,000 people to hold a rally.召开集会时,这个新建广场可站下8万多人。9.【狩猎】(猎犬)停下用头指示(猎物位置)10.【军事】使站成某种队列11.【印刷】保留(已排好的版面)12.使(公马等)可作种马(或畜)n.1.站立;站起,起立;站立姿势2.停止,停顿,静止3.停下反击;抵抗,抵御4.(巡回剧团的)停下演出;停下演出剧场;演出海报5.立场,观点;态度6.(站立)位置,地点7.(公共汽车等的)停车处;待客停下的车辆8.讲台,讲坛;乐坛9.= witness stand10.[用复数]看台;看台上的观众11.置物台12.架;座;几13.小桌14.(货)摊,售货台;售货处15.市场,集市16.(某地区生长的)林木;林分,个体植物群丛17.一片庄稼(或小麦);一片青草18.(一巢内的)蜂群19.【板球】坚持防守,成功防守20.[苏格兰英语](服装、机械等的)一套21.[古语](一个士兵的)全副武装近义词bearas it stands按这种样子;以现状来说a stand of colours【军事】军旗;团旗at a stand停顿;陷入僵局不知所措bring (或 put) to stand使中止,使停止使困惑,使迟疑come to a stand陷入停顿find out where one stands= know where one standsknow where one stands见 knowlet…stand把…搁置起来(或暂不改动)make a stand站住,停下来(军队)停下来抵抗,抵御采取坚定立场make a stand for为…辩护,捍卫make somone's hair stand (up) on end见 hairstand a (good) chance of见 chancestand corrected见 correctstand guard见 guardstand in awe of someone见 awestand in for(在电影中)作…的替身暂时代替(某人)stand in someone's light见 light¹stand in the breach见 breachstand in the doorway进行象征性的抵抗,以引人注目的方式反对stand mute of malice见 mute¹stand no(或 little) chance见 chancestand off and on【航海学】时而靠近时而远离;离岸行驶stand on ceremony见 ceremonystand one's ground见 ground¹stand on one's dignity见 dignitystand on one's own feet (或 legs)独立,独立自主stand or fall成败,好坏stand out a mile见 milestand pat见 pat¹stand someone in good stead见 steadstand the gaff见 gaff¹stand to lose可能(或一定)失掉stand to win (或 gain)可能(或一定)赢(或得到)stand up and be counted公开宣布支持;公开表明立场(或态度、观点等)stand well with与…相处得好;得到…的好评(或好感)take a (firm) stand on (或 over)对…采取坚定的立场(或政策、姿态等)take one's stand在…的位置;在…上站岗站在…的立场以…为根据take stand against坚决反对;坚持抵抗take the stand[美国英语]出庭作证(为…)担保(或保证)变形vi.stoodstanding

standstand[stænd]vt.(stood [stud])1.使站立, 竖放2.忍受,坚持,经受, 顶住, 接受3.执行(任务), 参与(某事)4.为...付帐, 为...会钞; 供给5....有站立的地位6.不受...损伤7.【军】排成(某种队形)stand a child on his feet使孩子站立stand a ladder against a wall把梯子竖在墙边stand sb. in the corner by way of punishment罚某人站墙角stand facts on their heads颠倒事实stand the test of time经受时间的考验stand sb. a dinner (=stand a dinner for sb.)请某人吃饭stand a bottle to the company为作伴的人们买一瓶酒stand treat付帐He stands his ground.他坚持己见。I cannot stand waiting [to wait] any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。The bus stands 30 people.这辆公共汽车内可站三十人。
词性变化standvi.1.站立2.座落, 位于3.充当, 作为4.处于某种状态[境地], 采取某种态度5.坚持; 停滞; 维持原状; 继续有效; 存在; 不变6.[英]做候选人, 参加竞选7.(雄马)可作种马8.显示, 指示猎物方向9.【航海】取某一航向10.站立时身高11.[古]犹豫make sb.'s hair stand on end使某人毛发悚然stand as a sponsor for a person为某人赞助人stand well with sb.同某人相处很好stand for the harbour驶向海港stand in for the shore驶向海岸as things stand按照现状来看Stand still!站住, 不许动!S-easy![英]稍息!The thermometer stood at 26℃. 温度计读数是摄氏26度。Tears stood in her eyes.她两眼含着泪。Truth stands in opposition to falsehood.真理同谬误是对立的。The matter stands thus.事情就是这样。How does he stand on this matter?他对这问题抱什么态度?The same remark stands good.这句话同样有效。He stands one metre and eighty.他身高一米八十。standn.1.站住, 停住2.停下反击[抵抗]3.站立位置4.[美]法院的证人席5.架; 台; 讲坛; [pl. ]看台上的观众6.摊; 报摊; 停车处, (适于营业的)地点; (鸟的)栖木7.旅行团的停留演出, 停留演出地8.(一片)生长的植物, 庄稼9.[澳]森林(木材);【植】林(分, 段)10.[苏](衣服等的)一套, [英](一个士兵的)全套武装, 一副; 一组11.立场12.250-300磅的重量a music stand乐谱架a launching stand(火箭)发射台a fruit stand水果摊a good stand for a hotel一处开设旅馆的好地点a good stand of wheat一片生长良好的小麦a stand of arms全副武装China Pictorial usually sells out soon after it hits the stands.《人民画报》往往一到报摊就销售一空。

继承用法standaway[ˈstændəˌweɪ]adj.1.(裙子等)不贴身子的, 撑开的stand-down[ˈstænddaʊn]n.1.休止, 暂停, 停工; 休止期, 临时解雇时期stand-fastadj.1.稳固的; 顽固的

词性变化standn.1.固定的立场stand-inn.1.替换者, 代替者, (电影中)替身2.有利地位3.[美俚]照顾, 偏袒, 门路, 线索stand-messengern.1.[美](服装等的)活人广告stand-offn.1.远离, 隔开, 孤立, 避开; 驶离岸边2.[口] 旁观; 冷淡3.支付延期4.[英]闲散, 停工5.平衡, 抵销, 中和, 平局, 不分胜负6.传输线固定器, 拉线钉adj.1.远距离的, 投射的2.有支座的, 有托脚的stand-offishadj.1.疏远的, 冷淡的, 傲慢的standout[ˈstændaʊt]adj.,n.1.杰出的(人物)2.优秀的选手3.[口]坚持己见的人, 孤立主义者, 不随大流者standpat[ˈstændpæt]adj.1.[美]不要求换牌的; 主张维持现状的n.1.固执保守分子; 顽固地反对变革的人stand-pattern.1.[美]顽固分子, 保守派standpipe[ˈstændpaɪp]n.1.配水塔, 竖管, 房屋内消防用水管standpoint[ˈstændpɔɪnt]n.1.立场, 论点, 观点stand-to[ˈstændtu:]n.1.[英]【军】战斗准备stand-upadj.1.站立的, 直立的2.光明正大的, 堂堂正正的, 不耍手段的, 凭真功夫的3.戏剧里丑角在舞台上诙谐独白的standern.