
a straw in the wind

1. 预兆

There is a straw in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner.


catch at a straw

1. (落水者)连一根稻草也想抓住; 作最后的绝望挣扎

A drowning man will catch at a straw.


the last/final straw

1. 最后一击

The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw.


习惯用语A straw shows which way the wind blows.1.[谚]草动知风向, 观微知著。catch [clutch, grasp] at straws [a straw, any straw]1.捞救命稻草; (在危难中)求助于靠不住的救急办法, 作毫无成功希望的努力draw straws1.(用长短不同的麦杆)抽签2.[口](眼睛)困得睁不开, 昏昏欲睡gather [pick] straws1.困得睁不开眼; 昏昏欲睡(借喻鸟类衔草做巢准备栖息)in the straw1.[古]分娩2.[口](谷物)未脱粒It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.1.[谚]最后添加的一根稻草压断骆驼背脊; 最后凑上的一个细小因素引发一场大祸。make bricks without straw1.在极困难条件下工作, 在不具备基本条件的情况下工作man of straw1.没有实权的人not matter a straw1.不要紧not (to)care a straw1.毫不在乎, 毫不在意not worth a straw1.毫无价值out of the straw1.[古]产后复元split straws [hairs]1.为细小的分歧而争吵the last straw1.(压垮骆驼的)最后一根稻草; 导火线; 终于使人忍无可忍的最后一事thrash over old straw1.[口]做别人已经做好的事情; 多此一举throw straws against the wind1.顶风扔草; 与不可抗拒的势力作斗争wear a straw in her ear1.(寡妇等)准备再嫁(来自法语)straws [a straw] in the wind1.(事情将要发生的)苗头, 预兆, 迹象