
suggestsuggestD.J.:[səˈdʒest]K.K.:[səɡˈdʒɛst, səˈdʒɛst]vt.1.建议, 提议They accepted the paper and suggested only one change.他们接受了这篇论文, 只提出改动一个地方。What I suggest to do in this matter is this.在这个问题上, 我建议这样做。I suggested waiting.我建议等候。May I suggest you closing the door?我要求你把门关起来好吗?We suggested Eby's doing it in a different way.我们建议伊比换一种方式做。They suggested we should visit a class right away.他们建议我们马上去听课。2.暗示Her smile suggests her consent.她的微笑意味着同意。His attitude suggests that he isn't really interested.他的态度表明他并不真的感兴趣。3.使想起The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machines.鸟的形象使人产生一个制造航空机的新主意。

suggest[sə'dʒest; səɡ-]vt.1.提出,提议,建议:The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.专家建议儿童不该吃太多的食糖。My friend suggested my getting a job in a bank.我的朋友建议我在银行找个工作。2.推荐,举荐:It was suggested that he be the chairman of the meeting.他被举荐为大会主席。3.(事物)使人想到,使人联想到:The smell of perfume suggests the girl whom I met in the plane on the way to Lisbon.这种香水味令我想起了飞往里斯本的航班上遇到的那位姑娘。The music suggests a still night.这种音乐令人联想到宁静的夜晚。4.(间接地)表明,意思是:The ring suggests that he was on the scene of the crime.这只戒指表明他在作案现场。OK,silence suggests agreement.对,沉默就表示同意。5.暗示:She suggested that she did not want me to tell the truth.她暗示我不要说出实情。He did ignor what I suggeted to him.他根本不理睬我对他的暗示。6.启示,启发;促使做(或思考):Having been suggested by a bat, people invented sonar.受到蝙蝠的启发,人们发明了声呐。Social development suggests universal exploration.社会的进步促使人类做出对宇宙空间的探索。近义词hintimplyinsinuateintimateI suggest (that)照我看,恐怕suggest itself (或themselves) to浮现在…的心中(或眼前)

suggestsuggest[səˈdʒest]vt.1.建议, 提出(意见、计划等)2.暗示, 启发, 间接表明3.使想起, 使联想到It is suggested that ...有人提议...I suggest that ...我觉得[认为]He suggested going out for a walk.他建议出去走走。That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health .那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。The thought of summer suggests swimming.想到夏天, 就使人联想到游泳。An idea suggested itself to me [to my mind].我产生了一个念头。