
votevoteD.J.:[vəut]K.K.:[vot]vt.1.一致认为The students voted to continue the struggle.学生们一致决定继续斗争。They voted that the meeting should be adjourned.他们一致认为应该休会。2.提议, 建议I vote that he (should) do it.我建议他做那件事。vt. & vi.1.投票, 表决You're too young to vote.你太小, 不能参加选举。They vote to choose a president.他们投票选举总统。Vote MacDonald, the man you can trust!请投麦克唐纳的票, 他是大家能信任的人!We have voted him our monitor.我们选他当班长。n.1.投票, 选举, 表决The vote will be held next month.下个月举行选举。2.票, 选票The Tory got 40% of the vote.保守党获得40%的选票。3.表决结果; 投票总数Was the vote for or against the resolution?表决结果是赞成还是反对此决议?4.选举权, 投票权, 表决权Only members of the team have a vote.只有这个团体的成员才有表决权。

vote[vəut]n.1.投票;表决;选举2.票,选票3.投票权;选举权;表决权4.(无记名投票)多数票通过的决议5.投票总数;得票数vi.1.投票;选举;表决:I didn't vote in the last election.上次选举时我没投票。vt.1.投票通过;投票选举;投票决定:The football team have voted me their new captain.足球队投票选我为新队长。2.投票支持;投票表决为…提供:Parliament has voted the town a large sum of money for a new road.国会投票通过为该城镇提供一大笔资金修建一条新公路。3.(投票)提倡;建议:They voted to give a concert to get some money for the hospital.他们建议举办一次音乐会为该医院弄些钱。4.公议决定;公认:The musical evening was voted a huge success by everyone.人人都认为这次音乐晚会是一次巨大的成功。absent(或 absentee) vote[美国英语] 缺席选举人票cast a vote (for)投…的票go to the vote被提交表决hand vote举手选举plural vote一人多选区投票权put to the vote(把…)付诸表决split one's vote(s)把票分投给几个党的候选人vote by a show of hands举手表决vote by “yes” and “no”口头表决vote with one's feet用退场来表示不赞成变形vi.votedvoting
