
yieldyieldD.J.:[ji:ld]K.K.:[jild]vt. & vi.1.生产, 出产, 带来This land yields well.这块土地产量高。This old tree still yields apples every year.这棵老树仍然每年结苹果。A cow will yield several gallons of milk each day.一头母牛每天产几加仑的牛奶。His business yields big profits.他的企业获利大。This article yield-ed us great profit.这东西给我们带来了很大的收益。2.屈服, 放弃; 不再反对, 让出We shall never yield.我们绝不投降。The terrorists have yielded two of their hostages.恐怖分子交出了两名人质。We were forced to yield the city.我们被迫放弃这座城市。She yielded me her books.她把书让给了我。She yielded her property to me.她把她的财产让给我了。vi.1.变形, 折断, 塌陷The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.架子受不了那重量, 开始塌下去了。n.1.产量, 收益All these have helped raise farm yields steadily.所有这些都有助于农业产量的稳步提高。The yields on his shares have increased in this year.今年他的股票红利增加了。

yield[ji:ld]vt.1.生产;尤指2.生产,生长出(作物),结出(果实):an orchard that yielded a good crop收成好的果园3.(作为报答而)给予;(作为结果、利润等)产生:an investment that yielded high profits产生高额利润的投资4.[有时作yield oneself]被迫放弃;屈服,投降;放纵;沉湎于,沉溺于(有时与up连用):to yield oneself up to pleasure沉湎于享乐5.给予,让与;统一,准予:to yield the right of way给予通行权to yield a point同意一个观点(或在这点上让步)6.[古语]付酬;酬报,回报7.【棒球】失(分)vi.1.生产;产生;结果实:a mine that has yielded poorly一个生产差的矿井2.放弃;屈服,投降;让步,退让:Our army refused to yield.我军拒绝投降。3.(对外方)屈从:The gate would not yield to their blows.他们猛击大门,但门还是不开。4.让位于;被…所取代,失去优先地位、领导权等(常与to连用):The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm.漫长的严冬终于接近尾声,被柔和温暖的气候所取代。5.(在力量、重压等下)屈曲;倒塌;垮掉(to):The small chair yielded under his weight.那个小椅子被他压垮了。n.1.生产,出产,收益2.产量,收益量;产物;劳动报酬;投资利益,利润;税收3.【财政学】投资实得率,收益率;年收入率4.【物理学、化学】5.产量,产额,产率6.当量(在一次核爆炸中所释放的有效总能量)近义词capitulatedeferrelent反义词resistyielding and paying[常用于租约中]愿付yield a (或 the) point见 pointyield the palm见 palmyield up the ghost见ghost

yieldyield[ji:ld]vt.1.生出, 出产; 产生2.让给; 让渡; 放弃(权利, 地位等)3.承认; 同意4.被迫放弃5.交出; 投降not yield a step一步也不让That apple tree yield s plenty of apples.那棵苹果树结出很多苹果。They yield ed the fortress to the enemy.他们把要塞放弃给了敌人。
词性变化yield[ji:ld]vi.1.生产作物, 有收获2.投降, 屈服, 退让(to)3.(因压力)弯曲, 凹进(to); (使疾病)好转4.(在议会等)让给发言权I would rather die than yield.我宁死不降。We yield to nobody in love of freedom.我们对于自由的爱好不亚于任何人。yield[ji:ld]n.1.生产; 产品, 生产量2.收成, 回收率3.(投资)收益(常用百分比表示)4.屈服(点), 击穿5.极限6.弯曲, 凹进, 沉陷7.二次放射系数

继承用法yield-pointn.1.【物】软化点, 屈服点yield-powern.1.生产力yield-valuen.1.收获价yield-weightedadj.1.按产额量度的yieldableadj.yielder[ˈji:ldə(r)]n.

参考词汇yield;submit;都含有“让步”、“屈服”的意思。1.yield 指“在压力、武力或恳求下让步”, 如:yield to demands对要求让步。2.submit 强调“放弃抗拒、屈服于某一势力、权力或意志”, 如:He was losing the fight but he would not submit.他战败了, 但不屈服。resist;